torstai 26. huhtikuuta 2012


Koska kuva kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa...

Kuvat on ihan sattumanvaraisessa järjestyksessä, koettakaa selvitä! Kiitos matkaseuralle kuvista!

maanantai 23. huhtikuuta 2012

nails'n lips

Tupsuteltua kultaa.

Peruspunaiset kynnet tarvitsi vähän särmää.

Uutta huulipunaa, I like it!

torstai 12. huhtikuuta 2012


Tänään olen kriiseillyt ennakkotehtävien kanssa. Huomenna pitäis postittaa että ehtii ens viikolle. Näillä panostuksilla tuskin pääsen sisään mihinkään, mutta onneks mun maailma ei ole siitä kiinni, mulla on varasuunnitelmia. Onneksi. Koska näyttää melko todennäköiseltä, että plän bii muuttuu plän aaksi.

Facebookissa jaoinkin tän kappaleen jo, mutta voi gaad, voisin jakaa tän miljoonasti, huh huh.

Ron Pope - A Drop In The Ocean

P.S. Ei tullu Lontoota vielä, luvassa kyllä on!

tiistai 10. huhtikuuta 2012

sorry, i've been silent as snow

I could give you a lot of so-called "great" excuses. I've been busy. I've had a lack of inspiration. I've had other things on my mind. But most of all, I've been lazy. I also visited London. Could you ever forgive me? 

Despite all expectations, I've noticed that there are somebody really reading my posts of my boring life (and my nails). Or, most likely, the statistics are lying. I've also noticed that all of those people visiting my blog are not Finnish. Whaaaat?! is all I can say. So, this is for you, my dear foreign readers. I wrote this post in English, just to see if there really are any of you. If you are not just a drug dealer advertising some pills to lose weight or something like that, please comment. Just something, like "I'm from Papua New Guinea." or "!" or "Comment." Anything. And if you're Finnish, comment anyway. You would never know how happy all comments make me. 
Sorry my rubbish English. It's not perfect, I know, but practise makes perfect. Well, I've been practising for about ten years (!) now, but if no one's perfect, how could a practise of ten years make my English perfect? But I'll try my best to do my text readable. If I get enough comments from another countries, I promise to continue writing English posts or, at least, do proper translations for the Finnish ones.
Next post will be about my trip to London, as soon as I get more photos from my friends. Now, I'm going to join those normal people who are already sleeping and let you to comment. Just to know, if there really are someone. I'm just curious. 
P.S. I really love love love winter, but when snow is just stuck on the ground for weeks and weeks, it's not nice. I wish this wet spring was over and oh so dry summer would come. I really hate wet shoes. 
P.P.S. Just another song to add to my spring soundtrack: 

Neon Trees - Everybody Talks

Soooo spring. Love the song, love the video. Everybody talks. Or sings. And dances.